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Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm Back!

I've been away for a few days.  My husband and I left our kids with his parents for a few days and we headed off on a mini-vacation and then off to his fraternity reunion last night.  We had a great time and really enjoyed our time by ourselves.  It's crazy how even being "off" I still kept an eye out for deals...even though we didn't really find any great ones.  I'm just so much more concious of the money going out than I was several months ago.  I will say it was nice to not constantly think about finding the best deal while we were away.  We stayed at a wonderful hotel and splurged several times over our few days and I will admit I went to Walgreens yesterday afternoon for a few things and since I didn't take any coupons with me I paid full price for everything I had to buy.  I never go to a store without my coupons and I rarely ever pay full price, so I felt a little out of my element.  It was a great trip though and definitely a much needed and appreciated break. 

I'll be back to posting deals tomorrow for sure and maybe even a few tonight.  How about you, does anyone have "deal withdrawals" when they go away?  Or do you constantly have an eye out for the best deal?


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