Saving easy as 123!

Friday, December 17, 2010

See Me Spend ~ UGH!

Ever have one of those weeks...okay, maybe more like month where it seems you're just running around like a chicken with your head cut off?  That's me lately.  There is just so much to do and not enough time to do it.  I'm working really hard to hopefully launch the new website by the end of the year and keep up with this one, Christmas shopping and baking, do a couple of things on the side, spend time with my family, so on and so on.  Oh and then add in that part where I have to go grocery shopping. 

I thought I had this grocery shopping thing down...I was plugging right along, loading all my coupons, looking at the deals each week, looking through our stockpile before shopping, writing a good list...all the things I know I need to do to save money.  And then last night I go to the store for my weekly shopping trip and BAM!  I spent double what I had planned to and didn't have enough to show for my doubled grocery bill.

I came home and my husband and son joked with me that I'm now "See Me Spend"....not See Me Save.  Oh I was so disappointed in myself.  But, then I looked back at my trip and the planning I made for the trip and realized why I went over so much.  And then I figured maybe this can help someone else figure out how to save a little more....and be a reminder to me that I need to plan ahead a little better. 

What did I not do last night that I normally do?  Well, I went in with half a list.  I knew what we absolutely needed, but didn't really take a look at our pantry/stockpile to see what we already had.  I can tell you if you need peanuts or chocolate chips in the next week, just come see me...I have lots!  I always take in my list and only shop from the list...I added so many things to my cart because I wasn't sure what I had at home already.

My other big mistake?  I didn't use my calculator throughout the store.  When I get in the store, it's serious business.  I lay out my coupon box so I can easily access any coupons I may need for clearance or sale items I find.  Next to that is my list with my coupons attached and I put the ones I am using in a seperate pile.  I also have the ad in front of me and my calculator.  As I go through the store and add things to my cart I put in the amount of the item, that way I have an idea of where I will be when I get to the register and it keeps me from grabbing things we don't need.  Last night, I was in such a hurry I didn't even take the calculator out.

And my final mistake?  I didn't load all my coupons to my card!!!  I don't know where my brain was, but I got in the store and realized I should have done that before I left.  Ugh! 

So, I go checkout thinking it couldn't be that bad...I just added a few extra things that weren't on the list.  Nope, it was that bad.  And that's when I realized why our grocery bill used to be so outrageous...I wasn't really paying much attention to the shopping.  Just kind of flying by the seat of my pants.  Lesson learned, I won't do that again. 

One final thing I make sure to do every week as well is plan out my menu.  I did do that before shopping this week, but didn't take in to account all the baking I'm planning to do with the kids this weekend. 

There you have it...I was not a saver last night.  Good thing it will only take me one shopping trip to remember why I shop strategically.  I will be super good next week.  :)

Michelle (formerly See Me Spend)  :)


wendi in kansas said...

Waht kind of coupon holder do you use? Do you clip out all the coupons in the paper each week?

Michelle G. said...

Hi Wendi. I use a box for all my coupons, with different tabs to organize it. You can find out about my organization in this post here... or you can look it up on the right side under Coupon Organization.

As far as clipping the coupons, I clip most. I get 3 sets of inserts each week and always clip 2 sets and the 3rd set I clip the ones I'm pretty sure I will use and file them away. What I don't clip goes back in a larger folder and I date that insert so if I need to find a coupon later I know where it was.

Hope that helps! :)